Storing and retrieving Settings

Settings in PyLaunchy are handled through an exported QSettings (see below) object.

The settings object is availible through launchy.settings and is shared amongst all Launchy plugins (even non-python ones).

launchy.settings is a QSettings object from PyQt4.QtCore. For more information, see the reference manual.

The examples in this page are taken from the PyWebIndex plugin.

See also

Documentation of the QSettings class from PyQt4.

Reading a value

Read the value of pagesHash from the [PyWebIndex] section in the settings file and convert it to string:

settings = launchy.settings
pagesHash = settings.value("PyWebIndex/pagesHash").toString()

Storing a value

Save a the value of __version__ (string variable) to the [PyWebIndex] section in the settings file:

settings = launchy.settings
settings.setValue("PyWebIndex/version", QVariant(self.__version__))

Note the usage of QVariant, QSettings works with objects of this type, so it should be used to convert values from Python to QT or vice versa.

Reading values from an array

Read all values from the masterPages array in the [PyWebIndex] section into a list of tuples:

masterPages = []
size = settings.beginReadArray("PyWebIndex/masterPages")
for i in range(0, size):
       ( settings.value("name").toString(),
         settings.value("url").toString() )

# masterPages now contains tuples of (name, url)

Storing values in an array

The following saves items from a QTableWidget to an array:

for i in range(0, table.rowCount()):
    settings.setValue("name", QVariant(table.item(i,0).text()))
    settings.setValue("url", QVariant(table.item(i,1).text()))